VPESA Terms and Conditions

Last updated and effective as of: 27 July 2022

The following document contains information about the rules governing the website as they may pertain to you as a user. Please read them carefully. Any updates to this document will be announced so that you may review as needed. If you (the user) have any questions, comments, or concerns about the agreements stated in this document, please message Saki in the Discord server. For business or formal requests, please email us at vpesa.true@gmail.com. Thank you.

The following information applies to all webpages in this website.

By creating an account and visiting our website, you are agreeing to the statements listed in our Terms and Conditions document.

Note: All pronouns such as "us", "we", and "our" refers to the VPESA as an organization. All pronouns such as "you" refers to the user of the website unless noted otherwise.

User Control

Account Management

Given that you must create an account here using your Discord ID, it is imperative that you do not share your Discord username or password with anyone! The VPESA is not liable for the loss/destruction of your Discord account should you share your Discord account username and password with others.

When you create an account, you agree that you are creating the player that is linked to you as a user in the server. If you a) create multiple players under one account, b) create multiple accounts tied to multiple players, or c) manage other accounts not tied to your player, it will result in the immediate termination of all account(s) involved and removal of all users involved from the Discord server. Such actions are not fair to those who play honestly, and we seriously condemn such dishonest practice.

We also press that Discord's Age Restriction policies noted in their Terms of Service applies to our website as well. You may have your account on the website deleted and/or your user removed from the server should we find you to be in violation of this principle. To know whether you are eligible to create an account or not, please click the link here. If you are found to be younger than 13 years old, you will not allowed to access our website. If we find that you have lied about your age to create a Discord account or an account with us on our website, we will remove your account on here and remove you from the server on Discord. We want to make sure this experience is safe and enjoyable for everyone!

If you have evidence that someone has broken the rules stated in this subsection, please message Saki in the Discord server.

Account Security

We made this website with a lot of time, love, effort, and money, so we expect that you keep this in mind when using it. Therefore, we also expect that you act honestly as a user of the website. Any activites such as hacking, threatening cybersecurity, or taking advantages of loopholes for your own personal gain as a player or as a user will not be tolerated and any infractions will be evaluated by us on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate sanction for you.

If you have evidence that someone has broken the rules stated in this subsection, please message Saki in the Discord server.

Intellectual Property

We thoroughly respect intellectual property and the rights of their proprietors. We have credited all works that were used for our website in our credits page. All images used for backgrounds in our webpages on this website were used from Unsplash, a place for content and digital creators alike to access freely-usable images. As per Unsplash's policy with regards to using photos from other parties, noted here and here, and due to the fact that we are not passing off these photos as our own in order to make a profit, we are well within our jurisdiction to use these images for our website. However, if you find that we are using your (the propietor) photo for our website, and you would like for it to be removed, we would be more than happy to do so. Please submit your claim at vpesa.true@gmail.com.

If you would like your photos or any other relevant form of your digital creation to be featured on our website, or if you would like to collaborate, please do not hesitate to contact us at the aforementioned email posted above.