Axel Bjornsson

Age 24
Positions CB, SB
Salary 60
Dominant Foot Right
Height (cm) 175
Weight (kg) 64
Active? No
In Server? Yes
Attack 70
Defense 80
Balance 80
Stamina 79
Top Speed 75
Acceleration 75
Response 76
Agility 75
Dribble Accuracy 50
Dribble Speed 50
Short Pass Accuracy 70
Short Pass Speed 50
Long Pass Accuracy 50
Long Pass Speed 50
Shot Accuracy 50
Shot Power 50
Shot Technique 50
Freekick Accuracy 50
Swerve 50
Heading 60
Jump 66
Technique 80
Aggression 55
Mentality 75
Goalkeeping 50
Teamwork 80
Nondominant Leg 4
Conditioning/Fitness 4
Special Abilities
Long Shots, DF Communication, Marking
Season Achievement Team
Season 6 VPL Runners Up Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 5 VPL Champions Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 4 VPL Saki's Choice: TOTS Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 4 VPLC Runners-Up Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 4 VPL Runners-Up Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 3 TVPESA Awards: Team of the Season Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 3 VPL Champions Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 2 VPL Champions Reykjavík Griffins FC
Season 1 VPL Server's Choice TOTS Reykjavík Griffins FC