A Quick Note For You.

Hey there! This is Saki, the dude who's been working on this whole thing to begin with. If you know who I am, then hey! How's it going. :D If not, feel free to shoot me a message on Discord! I'm always happy to meet new people. :)

No fluff, no fancy boxes, no database connections, nope. Just a text document on a webpage. And this is what I'd like to say.

This is the last thing (at least in terms of core functionality) I'm going to make in this website that will finally make it functional, this small note, and in order to celebrate this big moment, I wanted to express my sincerest gratitude to you for being so patient with the development of this website.

This was probably one of the hardest things I've ever set myself out to do. I didn't even know how computers actually worked until about 2 months ago. Before then, I assumed that you just kinda pressed stuff and it worked? So I truly had to start from the beginning, the VERY beginning.

I worked on this thing painstakingly so, almost every hour of every day for 2 months was dedicated to making sure this thing worked. It may not work well (or even rather well), but it works, and it helps us tremendously!

Thank you for being so patient with the league, with me. Very easily you could have said "yeah this thing sucks, I'm out lol"...but you decided to stay and watch the progress. And for that, I am immediately completely indebted to you.

This will not mean anything in the grand scheme of things. But when forming a community, we have the power to hold each other up when it may get hard to stand up ourselves. I came up with the idea for the league when I was in a very rough spot mentally, and the joy of seeing you all get excited for every match, trash talk your rivals in the server, and continuously participate in the league completely washes away all the pain I felt in my heart when I was sitting in the car, feeling helpless and alone.

And I'd like for you to come away with the same thing. This world is what we make of it, and if you truly love something and want to make it happen, then don't let anyone stop you. And sometimes the biggest obstacle in your way, is yourself. Learn to push yourself to follow what you love, yet take the time to listen to your body, and nurture it accordingly.

I hope your time in the league is as adventurous and nurturing as it was for me when I was making it. Enjoy!

-From the bottom of my heart, my sincerest thank yous,

15 July 2022.